Preventive Dentistry – Lenox, MI

Keeping Your Smile Safe

You can always turn to our dental team if you need treatment for an existing dental problem. But wouldn’t it be better to avoid cavities and gum disease altogether whenever possible? Here at Forever Young Dentistry Bayside, we can help you take a proactive approach to oral health care so that you can continue to enjoy a healthy grin. Reach out to us today if you’re ready to schedule an appointment for preventive dentistry in Lenox.


Why Choose Forever Young Dentistry Bayside for Preventive Dentistry?

  • Highly Experienced Dental Expert
  • Safe, Detailed Digital X-Rays
  • Team That Focuses on Comfort


Dental Checkups & Teeth Cleanings

Close up of dental mirrors and other instruments

Visiting your dentist twice a year for checkups and cleanings may seem like a small thing, but it could make all the difference when it comes to preventing serious dental issues. Even if you’re as thorough as possible when it comes to brushing and flossing, there’s a chance that dental issues have started to form without you realizing it. We can identify such issues and explain what steps you can take to prevent further problems.


Oral Care Products

Blue toothpaste being squeezed out into the shape of a tooth

There are many different oral healthcare brands to choose from, but our dental office favors CariFree when it comes to products such as toothpaste and mouthwash. CariFree can help remineralize your teeth and keep the harmful bacteria in your mouth under control. This helps you keep bad breath, dry mouth, gum disease, and other potential threats to your oral health at bay.


Fluoride Treatments

Illustrated dental laser treating gum disease

Fluoride is essential if you want to maintain strong, cavity-free teeth. It is a key ingredient in many types of toothpaste, and it can even be found in certain foods, including a number of fruits and vegetables. On top of that, you can ask our team for a quick, painless fluoride treatment during a checkup as a way to reduce the risk of tooth decay occurring before your next appointment at our office.


Oral Cancer Screenings

Illustrated dental instrument removing plaque from teeth

It’s estimated that oral cancer causes roughly one death every hour in the United States. If you want to improve your odds of survival, you need to have your oral cancer detected early on. We can use a special dental instrument known as a VELscope to identify cells in your mouth that may be cancerous or precancerous. Depending on what we find, we may need to help you make arrangements for further testing in order to confirm whether you truly have oral cancer.